Add new line inside long-text using API


I tried to add new line symbol inside long text value using this query:

mutation { change_column_value ( board_id: 940074204, item_id: 1129522709, column_id: "long_text", value: "{\"text\":\"234test123\n222\"}" ) { id } }

But I have got an error after executed the query:

“error_message”: “Internal server error”,
“status_code”: 500

The same error on the “try it yourself”

Is that not allowed ?


Hey @f2yez,

You need to escape the \ inside your text value :
\"234test123\\n222\" did work for me on the playground.




If you want to see the backslash within the long text column, you will need to utilize 4 backslashes like this:


this will work!

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