Add "type" argument to board.columns in API

add a “type” argument to the columns object on boards. It should be an array of strings.

query { boards (ids:1234568) { columns (type: ["status", "text"]) { id, title, settings_str}}}

This would make it easy to return just columns of certain types, for example if we need to get all status and text columns on a board.

Hello @codyfrisch!

Thank you for that request!

I have shared it with the team :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @codyfrisch,
Glad to say this is now available!

You can use the filter as suggested, and also combine it with specifying ids:

    columns(types: ["color"]) {


    columns(ids: ["123", "abc"], types: ["color", "rating"]) {

You can let me know here if you have any additional questions, and hope you’ll find it useful.

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Now if there was a way to toggle “includeMirrors” where it would return mirrors of those types. So if I need mirrors of “color” it would return mirror columns of color columns. (or any array of types i specify).

But thats a dream!

What you’ve released goes a long way to being able to build dynamic lists without having to get all of the customers columns. I’m a strong believer in avoiding getting customer data you don’t require, if possible. At least with this I can narrow it to just mirror columns to start.

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Hello @codyfrisch,

I am glad you like the new feature!

I have created a request to add the includeMirrors argument.

Sometime dreams come true :wink:


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