Adding custom view board controls to main board control row

I’m working on a board view which needs to have a timeline control that allows the user to set the date range for data to be displayed. Looking at the existing Gantt view, it has a number of controls in the main control row for those types of controls.

I’m not seeing anything in the API/SDK documentation for adding new controls to that top row, and only see that I can disable the entire board control row from the view.

Is there a mechanism to add custom controls that I am missing?

Hello there @christianfey and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

You cad add extra options to give the users more controls inside your view. Or, you can use settings in your view’s configuration (fields the user ca interact with).

Let me know if you have any questions!


Just to check, what do you mean by “extra options”? As for settings, whenever I use settings, I’m thinking of static changes that would be saved to the view (such as configuration of groups/colors/etc.).

Thank you for the quick reply!

Hello again @christianfey, by extra options I mean any custom settings you want the user to have (you would be in charge of the logic and the UI and it would be in your view). You could save the set settings on your end or you could use the SDK’s monday storage if it fits your needs.