Adding file to update via API results in 500

I have this code in php thats worked well until version “2024-10” :

$query = 'mutation ($file: File!, $update_id: ID!) {
            add_file_to_update (
                file: $file, 
                update_id: $update_id
            ) {

        $response = Http::attach(
            ->attach('query', $query)
            ->attach('variables[update_id]', $updateId)
                'Authorization' => config('monday.token')

But now in versions from “2024-10” the API returns this :

        "message": "internal server error",
        "extensions": {
            "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"

I have no more informations about why I’m getting this error and I can’t figure it out myself. Can someone help me ? :slight_smile:

NB : the file is sent in binary, and it worked well before.

Thanks in advance !

Hello there @fspilmont,

Would you be able to please fill this form adding as much information as possible to it (such as account ID, board IDs, item IDs, timestamps, etc.) so that our team can take a look into it?

Looking forward to hearing from you via the form!
