API calls no longer retrieving expected results

Hello, we have a number of in house API calls we make against Monday.com boards our users have developed, the calls such as
query = '{boards(ids: ’ + board_id + ‘){columns(ids: “subitems”){settings_str}}}’
Has always retrieved the sub board id without issue, last week on a new board we found the hard coded ids “subitems” no longer worked, and we had to find the item id for the Item title on the main board(which can be Subitems or SubTasks) and on new boards returns a subitem id of subitem__1

Today we have found another change of functionality around Status Text (Our calls are programmatically iterative with smaller slice size and only the sample output of interest is shown below)

On older boards we can use the following to get the selected status text.

query {boards (ids: ’ + board_id + ') {columns {id title}}}

        "id": "status7",
        "title": "Exclude"


query {boards (ids: ’ + board_id + '){items_page (limit: 500) {cursor items {group {id title} id name column_values{id type value text} subitems {id name column_values {id type value text}} }}}}

              "id": "status7",
              "type": "status",
              "value": "{\"index\":2,\"post_id\":null,\"changed_at\":\"2024-02-06T08:44:30.402Z\"}",
              "text": "Yes"

The same call on a newly created board produces.

query {boards (ids: ’ + board_id + '){items_page (limit: 500) {cursor items {group {id title} id name column_values{id type value text} subitems {id name column_values {id type value text}} }}}}
“id”: “status_1__1”,
“type”: “status”,
“value”: null,
“text”: null

Can I ask where are these changes documented in the change log? it would be useful to cope with changes before they hit us

and is there a nice way of retrieving all column, ids types, values and texts that includes the change of functionality with status text


Hello there @jobby889 and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

Regarding what you mention first, instead of hardcoding the ID of the subitems column, you could use a query like this one to get that column’s ID (checking the type):

  boards(ids: 7867452110) {
    columns {

Regarding the second thing you mention, I do not see any differences in the format of the results. If you get value and text as null, it might be because for that item, there is no value for that status column.

If you see the value and text as null for an item that has data in that status column, please let us know here and we will be happy to take a look into it!
