API Filtering using Datetime instead of Date


I’m trying to build and incremental API to be run every 2h

however as I can see the query that I’m using is not considering datetime but only date:

    query { complexity { before query after reset_in_x_seconds}
        boards(ids:123456) {id
        			{items_page(limit:10 query_params: {rules: [{column_id: “last_updated”, compare_value: [“EXACT”, “2024-07-21 11:00?00”], operator:greater_than_or_equals,compare_attribute:“UPDATED_AT”}]}) {cursor items 
                {name column_values {id text}

what I’m trying to do is to get only the data that got updated between 2 datetimes, in the example between “EXACT” and “2024-07-21 11:00?00”. As far as I understood, the query is wrong but I couldn’t find a way to do it right :frowning:

Could you help me out with it?

Just to avoid questions it should be “2024-07-21 11:00:00” instead of “2024-07-21 11:00?00”

I am glad you found the source of the issue @Nicholas_ma !

Welcome to the community :smile:

haha actually I didn’t find the answer for the main problem. I just replied because I wrote the time wrong while writing for post.

The main problem is that I want to user datetime instead of date to retrieve data, to always retrieve from the API new and updated items only.

I’m running the code every 2 hours and by the way it is now, all the time I’m getting all the rows from today and yesterday…

sorry if it was not clear

Hello again @Nicholas_ma,

My bad! I misunderstood you.

I believe you might not be able to use the time in the query. I am double-checking here and will let you know as soon as I have an update!
