API to get the current view id

Hi there,

I am creating a new View using the SDK

Is there a way to get the current view, or current board on which the view is being created?

I see queries to get all data, but don’t see a way to get the current board, or current view.


Hey @kranthi_thoughtflow - I believe this would be only be possible using ‘monday.get’ through the SDK, please see our documentation on this.

For example, you can send something like this:

monday.get("context").then(res => ...);

and this would be an example of what to receive:

// Board view context
  "boardViewId": 19324,
  "boardId": 3423243,
  "mode": "fullScreen", // or "split"
  "theme": "light"  // or "dark"


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Thanks buddy. That helps.

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