Recently we subscribed to the app life cycle events and I have a question regarding app_subscription_* webhooks.
Our app includes a free plan that applies if there’s no more than 3 users on the account. What will happen in the case described below?
User (on a paid monday plan, 2 users) installs our app. A trial period starts now.
We receive both - install and app_trial_subscription_started webhooks.
Trial period of our app ends. We receive app_trial_subscription_ended webhook. User can still use our app on a free plan.
Important information: a change from trial to the free plan happens automatically - if the account fulfills the condition based on the number of seats they can still use the app, if condition is not met app prompts user to the upgrade.
Question: In that case, if subscription changes from a trial period of our app to the free plan, should we receive any of app_subscription_* webhook? If yes, which one will it be?
You should only receive the app_trial_subscription_ended webhook when this happens.
Since the user doesn’t end up purchasing a subscription, their transition to the free plan won’t trigger a app_subscription_created or app_subscription_changed webhook.
After receiving the app_trial_subscription_ended webhook, you could always query the API to double check which plan they are currently on.
Thank you @Billchenau ! Another question if I may: if user is on a paid feature-based subscription and decides to go on a free plan, will we receive app_subscription_changed webhook? Or app_subscription_cancelled_by_user?