Adding graphQL support for marketplace vendors would allow us to build out our own sales and reporting dashboards based on live data so that we can see whats happening with our shared customers now.
For example, I had a query where I forgot that I’d given a 200 user non-profit account a large discount. Being able to look this up would be very useful.
Some examples
query sales & discounts
query trials and when they expire
Someone who builds such a reporting facility for vendors may even put it on the marketplace for other vendors
Hi @dvdsmpsn
It’s a pleasure to e-meet you. I am Tom and I will introduce myself very soon to you.
In regards to your feedback. Thank you for making it so clear with an example that makes sense. Our team considers different solutions for developers, specifically when it comes to app business/sales info. However, I cannot provide a clear answer to your specific request at this point of time. I will inform you soon when there will be updates addressing this kind of capability.
Just FYI, I changed the “category” of your post from Marketplace Builders’ only to Feature Requests so it gets in the request queue. This also allows other devs to “vote” on your request!
Fantastic, @dipro !
Please, please, please prioritize the monetization APIs to allow us to see who subscribed, what plan, etc. This is crucial for us to better manage our subscriber base.
It’s important we can run such APIs not only on specific accounts, but also across all paying accounts for our app.
Happy to jump on a call to discuss further…
@dipro This is a great start, but I absolutely agree with @samicaracand – being able to see details such as the account_slug, user emails and all the fields that are available in the lifecycle webhooks (install/uninstall/app_subscription_* etc), and the amount charged would be a massive help.
I’m actually still in disbelief that monday would call the monetization platform ready for production when it contained zero way to even look up your sales. But here we are nearly two years later.
@dvdsmpsn your original request asked for both active subscriptions and trials. Since this request isn’t completely resolved yet, I’m going to rename it and keep it open.