Board template split view by default

I developed an app to be displayed in a board view and use it in as a template.
I would like the view that contains the app inside the board to be opened in “split” view by default (app at the top and a table view at the bottom).
It is being opened in “fullscreen” by default - the user sees the app only.

Is there an option to set that up in the template?
Is it possible to update the following context field?
viewMode: “split”


Hi @t-t!

I’m afraid at this time there currently is no way to display a board view in split view by default. The users would need to set this up themselves.

However, once they user has toggled split mode once, if they navigate away from the board it will remain in split view. As such, perhaps you should put in a message at the top when the user adds your board view for the first time, letting them know that they should put their view in split mode.

I’m also going to move this to our Feature Requests section for users to vote for!