Circular Duplication of records in two boards

First time poster. Forgive me if I missed responses on this issue. We have both the Work Management and CRM products.

On the CRM side, we have defined an automation that based on the status, when a lead is ‘Won’, the item is mirrored to the Work Management side to a group called ‘Implementation in Process’. This part is working fine.

However, sometimes this workflow is changed when a client is won from the operations side. We then need this record mirrored to the CRM side. When I set this up as two-way mirroring, the record is duplicated from WM to CRM. But because we have the initial workflow as the record being created first in CRM and then mirrored into WM, the automation recreates the record into WM, creating a duplicate record.

Any input is appreciated!


I’d add an ‘if’ statement to your current automations. Is there something different about the deals that start on WM side? ie even if they’re created by someone that doesn’t create them on the CRM side?

Hey Desiree-

Thanks so much for your suggestion. There is a difference on deals initiated on the WM side. There are a group of three specific people who create deals on the CRM side exclusively.

I’m going to set up an If statement for testing.

Thank you so much for the suggestion!


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Glad I could help!