Columns name language changing according to the set browser language

Hello everyone,

I work in a bilingual workplace (English/French) and we need to ensure an equal representation of both languages in our work processes due to very strict labor laws in our province. I would like to avoid having to include both the english name and the french translation when I name the columns in each board.

Would it be possible to include a “translation” field in the backend of each column that would give a user the ability of toggling between one language or another on any given board (as long as this translation field would be filled out in the backend, of course).

I’m also curious to hear if somebody else here had to deal with something similar before?

Thank you!

Same thing here! Can someone gives us an update on this ?

Hi all !

Same use case here :blush:

I was just trying to see how to do this and came across your post from 2021. Was this feature ever implemented please? Thank you

Hi Carrie,

This feature was not implemented and I wouldn’t hold my breath for it. Monday will normally prioritize features according to the number of votes on a request.

As a workaround, we’ve started including both English and French translations in all field names.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for taking the time to come back to me!

Many thanks