Connected column values

So, I have a simple query

query GetBoardItems{  
  boards(ids: 7144577487) {  
    items_page(limit: 5) {  
      items {  
        column_values {  

Which provides me with values of 5 lines in a board. Problem is that I receive null where this column is connected with different board.

    '15 transactions per 24 h',

and all those nulls are values from a different board, there are names of employees, and I wanted to filter that data to get only one’s employee line, but since there is no name, I can’t get only that value.
The only thing I found is a linkedPulseId, that gives me some number, but I still couldn’t find how to get the text value of those mirror columns.

hi @crushtest

Welcome to the community! I assume you want to get the values for a mirror column (connected to a connect_boards column). To do that you must explicitly request this type of column value with:

query GetBoardItems{  
  boards(ids: 7144577487) {  
    items_page(limit: 5) {  
      items {  
        column_values {  
        ... on MirrorValue {

See also: Mirror. This will display the text value of the mirror column but you can’t filter on this type co column.

thank you, but I think you misplaced it. it should be inside the column { }
but, anyway, thank you. it now shows some values, but still not all.
I have also a connected column, but I see now where to watch…
But still this answer from api creates more confusion, since the order of columns now is messed a bit… but anyway, we can work with that.

You ar correct, I misplaced it. Below one should also give you the connected itemIds

query GetBoardItems{  
  boards(ids: 7144577487) {  
    items_page(limit: 5) {  
      items {  
        column_values {  
          ... on MirrorValue {
          ... on BoardRelationValue {

yes, thank you. I already implemented it.