Consolidating Multiple Portfolios into one Master Board


I currently have 6 portfolios created for different project managers - each portfolio has 50 or so projects in it that they are managing, that all roll up to the portfolio view to see high level info and that works great.

The issue is I am trying to now create a board for my warehouse manager, that will pull the shipping info (columns from each PM’s portfolio) into one board so that they can manage the shipments accurately. For example, requested delivery date is on each portfolio, I would like my warehouse manager to be able to view that on his own board, without having to access each individual PM’s portfolio to check.

I currently have a setup where when a Status changes on the portfolio (basically when a project is set to “Ready to Ship”) an automation creates an item on the warehouse board and links them together. Now my warehouse manager can see the requested ship date. The issue is I want one column to display the requested ship date regardless of which PM’s Portfolio it’s coming from.

Currently, I have PM 1 - Ship Date, PM 2 - Ship Date, etc. but each item will only have one of those filled out. I tried creating a function to sum all dates into one column and then hide the linked columns, but then I can’t use that date because it’s not actually a date anymore it’s just a function.

Any ideas?

Hi @fkgequipment , you’re right, if you’re using a formula it doesn’t act as a normal date column so you can’t use it in automations. If you’re not opposed to using an app, you can try Same Item Multiple Boards, it sounds like the perfect fit for this use case

I have an idea for how you might achieve this with native functionality, but whether it’ll meet your needs or not depends on the answer to this question:

Are the requested ship dates likely to [or could they ever] change after the item has been marked ‘ready to ship’—thus requiring that change to reflect immediately on the warehouse manager’s board?