Contacts not importing correctly

I have a csv/xls spreadsheet with my contacts in it, I have a field for FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, CONTACT NAME (with first and last combined) and then a few other field. Every time I try to import my list, in each contact the first Column Named ITEM is filled with Item and then a plus sign next to it. I’m not able to remove the column and Im not able to replace it with the full name from the spreadsheet.

Would anyone be able to let me know what Im doing wrong? Thanks so much!
Here is what it looks like - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

We are having the exact same problem. Everything comes in as “Item” instead of the entered data, despite matching the columns between the spreadsheet and the board.

Hello everyone!

Estefania here from the team. I hope you are all doing well. :sparkles:

As requested by a user, I would like to share with you all that currently when mapping your different columns from the CRM product, the option for the default column on the far left of your Boards is called “Name” and it has a text column icon.

I recorded a video so that you could best see what I mean! You can watch it here.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions about this! We’ll be happy to assist. :star2:


Hey to be clear here, In monday Item are like the default thing so every time you create a new inside a board it’s NEED ITEM

so I assuming when you importing your CSV you are not defining what should be the first column “that will be your Item”

see how this 2nd step as for the “what should be your first column”

and that’s it once you select the first column it will be your Item like this