Create_item api with column_value query format in cURL

I want to create an item with column value, the column ID is “project_status”, the column value is “Done”. I’d like to use the create_item api in cRUL format by Postman.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: YourSuperSecretAPIkey' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query": "mutation { create_item (board_id: 3819303550, item_name: \"item 101\", column_values: \"{\"project_status\": \"Done\"}\", create_labels_if_missing: true) {  board {id name} column_values {id title} created_at creator {id name} group {id title} id name parent_item {id name} state subscribers {id name} updated_at  email relative_link subitems {id name}}}"}'

I got error as below:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Parse error on \": \" (STRING) at [1, 100]",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 1,
                    "column": 100
    "account_id": 14649038

Could you tell me why?

I just found the solution. The JSON format in cRUL is different from simple double quote (using escape ""). I modified the request body as below, then it successed.

{"query": "mutation { create_item (board_id: 3819303550, item_name: \"item 101\", column_values: \"{\\\"project_status\\\": \\\"Done\\\"}\", create_labels_if_missing: true) { board {id name} column_values {id title} created_at creator {id name} group {id title} id name parent_item {id name} state subscribers {id name} updated_at email relative_link subitems {id name}}}"}

Hi @OktaDev,

Looks good! I’m happy to see you found a solution.

Let me know if you have any more questions.