Create new item with link column


I’m trying to create new items, providing column values. Everything it’s fine, except with link (url) columns. Can anybody tell me how to add a link field?

I know that a link field has 2 subfields (“web address” and “text to display”), so I suppose that I have to provide an object with both values, but I cannot find any example in the documentation.

What should be the proper way to add the link field:

mutation {
create_item (board_id:111111, item_name:“test3”, column_values: “{"link": ""}”
) {

hi @alexander.herranz

Welcome to the community. It is sometimes hard to find the exact object notation including escapes quotes. This one should work. Change the board_id and don’t hesitate to click on the “visit me” link.:slight_smile:

mutation {
create_item(board_id: 1111111111, item_name: "Best site for monday apps", column_values: "{\"link\":{\"url\":\"\",\"text\":\"visit me\"}}") {

Hi @alexander.herranz!

You can also check out the “Link” column in our documentation that also provides an example of the structure you would need:

Let us know if you have additional questions or concerns at this time.

Thanks too much! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

Very useful link in that documentation, thanks too much. I didn’t locate that info at first.


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