[RELEASED] Current status of subitem API support?

Hi! New user here, probably the same issue - finding relationships between items and subitems. I understand there are two methods:

  1. Retrieve all items of the subitem board, and get the group id field. That id should read “subitem_van_”, so you get the parent of each subitem. Unfortunately sometimes you get “topic”. This problem is explained in another Forum Topic. On my test setup I see some subitems with a correct group, and some subitems with group “topic”.
  2. Retrieve all items of the parent board, and get the column_values. Inside the column_values value is a field with ID “subitems”, and a value consisting of a JSON text with values. Unfortunately in this topic people report they only get a subset of items - just 25, no order was specified. Funny enough I can get 26 subitems without a problem, but I couldn’t find a Forum Topic mentioning the new limit. Also, it seems impossible to request the number of subitems of a parent item, so one can never be sure whether all items were retrieved.

Both referenced topics were closed while still being unsolved, and I cannot find any topic explaining how to get parent-subitem relationships.

In fact, the documentation does not mention reading subitems at all, only creating subitems is discussed. This brings the idea that reading subitems should not be used in production systems using the API. Is that correct?