Editing Status Note

I love the idea of being able to update from a status. I would like to suggest the ability to edit a status note AND be able to add multiple status notes. That would be a great addition for me and my team.


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Hey @cfraticelli

Thank you for this - we’ll pass this along to our product team. To give it some more weight, can you give us some more information on why this would be beneficial to you and your team?

Absolutely. My team keeps has a board that tracks our support requests. On this board we have 200+ pulses at all times. Every Friday, we like to go over the board as a team. It’s just a quick overview so we don’t need to know every update that’s been posted. If we could hover over a status and see small updates, which we could EDIT and add MULTIPLE STATUS NOTES, this would help smooth along our process so much.

It would be less clicking for us, which is always a great thing in my opinion. And it would allow for an easy way to add additional notes, as well as show quick overall snapshots of where a pulse is.

I’d just like tu support this idea. To explain briefly, our products are split into different chapters and each chapter has 9 lessons.
one pulse = one chapter
one column = one lesson in that chapter

I don’t want to list lessons as pulses because it would make board too long vertically given how many chapters we have (and note that we’re already using groups and subitems).

So, status notes are great as they allow me to attach an update to one specific lesson in a chapter. But it’s just too bad that I can’t edit these notes. If I got the wrong link to a doc, if an image didn’t load properly, made a typo… I have to delete the update and write it all over again. It’s just an unnecessary waste of time!


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Is there any update on this? It would also help to understand why his feature is not available in the first place. it is visible but disabled? why? Even if there is a small typo is becomes a hassle to copy, delete, paste, edit, and then update the status.

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Came looking to see if this was an option yet. Would be SO SO beneficial for our business, too. Would also be helpful if those additional status notes (or for now, replies to a status note) would them bump that to the top of the updates section. When it is the most recent update but it’s burried lower because it’s attached to an older update means a LOT of digging through the updates section.

I would like to bump this along. I can’t believe such a basic function as editing a note isn’t available.

When I talk to people about the usefulness of monday.com and I demonstrate this limitation, it’s an immediate turn-off because:

  • the status can’t be edited to fix minor errors - like an incorrect phone number;
  • once a status changes the previous notes aren’t visible for that row/column
  • when the status changes back to a previous state the previous note isn’t visible

I use status to track the availability of staff to do particular jobs involving complex layers of qualifications. These qualifications need to be renewed periodically, and editing the status note would make life much simpler than combing though the history.