Feature request: Add to be able to reply & like emails & activties widget notes/meetings/etc

Feature request: Add to be able to reply & like emails & activities widget notes/meetings/etc for internal discussions after info received

I would like to second this feature request. Can Monday.com reply with whether this is something that they would consider adding?


I also second this request! The ability to like and reply to notes would be a game changer.


I also second this request! Even though you can reply and like using the updates tab, our office uses the emails & activities tab more frequently because you can specify what type of activity it is. Being able to reply to these internal discussions would be very helpful!


I also second this request! This would be very helpful.


I would like to second this request!


I also second this request. It would be very helpful for our team.

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I would like to second this request. The ability to like and reply to internal discussions on the email & activities tab would be extremely beneficial to the communication of our team!

Please let us know if you can make this change. It would make our communication much more effecient. Thank you!

This feature would hugely help my team’s ability to communicate effectively and efficiently! Please consider adding it.