HELP ERROR: Variable $myvariable is used by but not declared

I am trying to update a column value within my table using the below code but I am getting the following error:

Variable $myvariable is used by but not declared

$query = 'mutation {
	change_simple_column_value (board_id: [BOARD_ID], item_id: [ITEM_ID], column_id: "sold___deposit_paid", value: $myvariable) { id }

It works if I put a value in place of the variable though. Why is this happening?

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Hey @mcmaster1986 - welcome to the community!

You’ll want to declare the variable when sending the query over. It would look something like this:

$query = 'mutation ($myvariable: String!) {
	change_simple_column_value (board_id: [BOARD_ID], item_id: [ITEM_ID], column_id: "sold___deposit_paid", value: $myvariable) { id }

Let me know if that works!


Hi Daniel,

Please could you check my new thread and tell me what you make of this:

@mcmaster1986 - looking into it, will chime in on that thread.