Help needed in setting up a way to track all costs per project

I use monday for my company and all my project are managed here. Now I need to set up time tracking and a way to know exactly how much I am spending on each product. Would love to talk to someone about this.

hi @Shantal
What do you want to discuss? There is a Time Tracking column that allows users to start and stop time spent on an item. Is your setup to have one item per product of do you have more items per product. The Time Tracking column can show total time spent on a group of items. So, if your product is a single item or a group of items it should eb easy to set this up.

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Hi Bas how are you?

Thank you for your reply. I run a digital marketing agency that has around 10 people working on about 25 clients. I need to set up a way to be able to track exactly how much each team is spending on each client, and also the total amount spent. This way I can see if there are clients that I need to send of and if my sales price is correct. I have now the tracking column, but I think it would be better if i the end of the day each person put how many hours they spent on each client. Since all my clients are recurring, I don´t need to know how much I spend on each project, rather I need to know how my cost is in the first two months and how it is from month 3 on. I am looking for someone that could actually work with me on building ths setup.




Hi Alexandre,

So, if I understand correctly, there is no immediate need for using the time tracking column. Looks like this can be done by setting up your board with a few columns to enter time. I am still not sure if I understand your required boards setup, do you have existing boards that you can share (PM is fine).


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Hi Bas,
I can share you some screens (not sure how), and we can also set up a zoom meeting where I could share my screen and show you what I need.
I have boards for each professional (design;programming; etc), and they have their tasks and know for which client it is.
So for each specific board of these professionals, I would need to calculate the amount of hours they spend in each client. Doing this with all the professionals I will be able to see my total cost for each client.
So I would like a board that could receive all this information and show me total cost per client.
Each of these professionals has a different hour wager and this has to be taken in consideration. I can use both the time tracking or the enter time solution, but I need all cost regarding client X to be collected from all the professionals boards so I can see how much a spent for each client.



Hi Alexandre,

Oop, I didn’t understand that you are using multiple boards for each professional. This creates a 1 to many relationship between board and that makes it little more complicated. Did you have a look at using a dsahboard to show all the information from the “professional” boards? You have to take care that there is a maximum number of connected boards in a dashboard, depending on your plan.

I developed a monday app that (with some modifications) might be able to do this. It uses a master board and any number of detailed (in your case professionals) boards. Are the time entries in the professionals boards grouped per client?

Best regards,

Hi Bas,

I have 1 board for each professional and they have their own list of priorities where we can select the client and the time spent on each task. So I need these 10 boards (1 for each professional) to feed a dashboard or a chart of something, where I can analyse the whole picture.


Hi Alexandre,

Do I understand the client in the board used by each professional is a status field? In that case you need to report (for all the professionals) how many time spent on all the tasks for that particular client. If this is right, a dashboard should do the job. Depending on your plan you can have maximum (1 [basic], 3 [standard], 10 [pro] or 25 [enterprise]) boards in a dashboard, is that sufficient for you?


Hi Alexandre.
Did you get an answer to this? I have the same need for analyzing time across boards. I have 70 clients with different boards and need to know the time spent by employee on each one.