How do I query boards with specific owner ID

I’m not completely understanding how to format my query using GraphQL… I only want to return boards with a specific owner ID. How do I format my query? This is what I have so far:

const query = `{
        boards() {
            owner {
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Hi @sbaden,

Currently you aren’t able to query based on the owner ID. You would need to do this in your application logic.

I know a few other people have asked this question as well so it might be something that is implemented in the future.


Thank you

It would be a great way to focus the query since I belong to a large organization and everyone is creating boards. I’d rather limit the query to only my boards.

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Hey @sbaden :wave:

I definitely agree it would be a great improvement to our API :slight_smile: I’ve gone ahead and passed this to our development team as a feature suggestion.

Thanks for helping out here, @mitchell.hudson! On point as always :slight_smile:


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Hi @sbaden

Not 100% sure if this contributes to your question. There is some confusion in play here: The “owner” used in API calls is really the “creator” (or the original owner). So, it is important to know which user originally created the board. Changing board ownership does not change the “owner” returned in the API as the API always returns the “creator”.

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