How do I remove branding on emails/forms?

Completely agree. The branding is a show stopper for us as well.


We are not using Software / Functions without White-Label Options. I would highly recommend to delete those logos if you want people to engage with those functions. Especially for sensitive industries - with regard to privacy etc. - it’s a No-Go to show off with logos from other companies.


This is indeed very uncommon and very bad value proposition in a premium product. Any serious brand will not allow a different brand to “ride” on its development by pushing its logo in its embedded code. Its understandable in a free product - but not in one that you pay a lot of money for.


Hi Everyone!

Thank you for all the follow-ups and requests. The branding should no longer be visible on e-mails.

As for the forms, I checked with the department in charge of forms and it is something they are looking to analyze this quarter and depending on their findings move forward with a solution some time in the near future.


Thanks for the update! I really hope they move forward quickly with that. We are waiting to use the forms until that’s done.


Hope they take out the branding for the paying customers from forms (and success message) soon :roll_eyes:


Great news about the emails, thank you.

Has there been any update on the forms?

Hi Chris,

No update as of yet, but when I checked with the team, they mentioned it is something they are looking to analyze as a possibility this quarter or next, so we hope that this improvement may be made in the near future :slight_smile:


I would love to start exporting forms as PDFs without branding.

There are just a few issues I have which makes the export quite useless.

When exporting the form the layout is fine but the way it looks in a PDF export is horrid and very unprofessional looking. It also exports the pdf as an image and not as data that you can edit afterwards. The image then is sliced to multiple bits on the PDF form which is separates it into pages.

I want to use this function for product quality complaints and send the exported form view as a report to the client that we have looked into the complaint and what we have done to solve it.

Does anyone have a work around for this? It would be greatly appreciated!

I tried using integrations with Jotform that can take data from and fill in a form automatically for me. It doesn’t seem like there is such functionality?


Hey guys

We released the option to remove branding on Forms for Pro accounts and above!

Hope you enjoy :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing your feedback!


What is the probability that this will be extended to Excel exports?


how? I can’t find the option in settings…


In Form View, you can access the view settings at the top right side of your page. You will then see the ability to remove this branding towards the bottom of the setting pane.

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@JCorrell - I’d be happy to pass this request along to our product team for further consideration :smile:


Also want the branding removed from Excel.

4 Likes Can you move Monday branding from quote? Same, can’t use this feature until it’s gone.

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