How to get likes on updates?

I did not find any code for getting the number of likes or who liked an update, on both API v1 and v2.

Also, there is no command to like an update in v2, I found it in v1.

Please help.

Hey @moumitapaul – at the moment our GraphQL API does not support accessing the number of likes on an update.

However, I’m happy to pass this along as feedback to our team. Can you let me know the use case here, so we can pass this context along?

Hi @dipro, thanks for replying.
I would like to show the users who have liked an update. We are making a small platform where clients can see their updates and who liked them. A user id with respect to each update would be enough.
I also wanted to have the feature of liking/unliking an update in v2. Currently, I have to use both V1 and V2 in my codes for this.


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That’s cool! I’ll pass this along as feedback to our Product team.

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