Include formula columns in automation recipes

totally agree, it seems like a clear way for them to earn extra from features that should clearly be in the main build.


Ye but if I would have to sell a bunch of features that costs thousands extra to the management it would only motivate them to start looking for a better software package.

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@Julietteb - will this update also enable formula columns to be used in other ways (beyond automations)? For example, we have a formula calculating due dates for all subitems, but since it’s a formula column it does not display in My Work or in Dashboard calendars. Will this update help us?

HI all - really hope this feature is coming soon! This is deeply needed on my end as well. Thank you!

Excited this is on the roadmap! Our company would really benefit if we could utilize the formulas in our automations!

Hope you are doing well today. I saw your post and I need to find this automation to see if it works for me, but unfortunately I can´t find this automation.
Can you tell me, where can I find it?
Thanks a lot!


I’ve been following this issue for over a year. Back then, Monday confidently said that a solution was on the Road Map and was going to roll out Mid-Year, 2024. So far, there is no solution even though Customers raised the issue in early 2020.

I think you’ll need to find another solution because Monday seems to have gone dark on the issue. Don’t make the mistake of setting corporate expectations based on Monday’s guidance.

Hi, is this still happening? It is a significant requirement for us.


This feature is coming soon! The team is currently working on developing the ability to use formula column values in automations and workflows. The capability is expected to start gradual release before the end of the year (2024)

How would this feature be used?
Let’s say you have a formula column that calculates a sum of multiple columns for a “final number,” you will be able to create an automation such as, “when the status changes to “Ready,” send an email to the owner with the “final number.”

More information:

  1. If the formula contains mirror columns, it will likely only be available with V2, which is expected in early 2025.
  2. Users will not be able to trigger an automation when a formula column changes, only use its value in.

Thanks for all your feedback and helping our team bring this feature to life!

Wait are these automations going to ne limited to Email? Or will we be able to fill numbers columns with those automations?

Also are they going to be premade automation recipes or can we use them in normal automations and in the workflow builder?

Also kind of unfortunate that we have to wait so long for mirror columns to be included. Most formula columns in our setup (and even in standard template setups such as CRM Enterprise) include Mirror columns

It will be possible to trigger an automation when formula value reaches a number?

i.e. a formula column that calculates the difference between a Date and “today”, that triggers an automation when the value il less than 30?

thank you

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Are there plans for users to be able to trigger an automation when a formula column changes? This was the main request in the original post.


Can we use the Formula Column in the Sprint Burndown chart?

Hi Juliette,

I assumed this feature would let us use any formula field change as a trigger, regardless of whether a mirrored field is involved. Additionally, it would enable us to apply actions to all the existing automations we have.

Can you please clarify?

Best Regards,

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The #2 part is disheartening; that is the main functionality that is needed.

Example: I want to be able to automate making tasks on my board via email. Currently, I can send in tasks with a subject line, but not much else. I was hoping to make formula fields that would parse the subject line to control the next step. Here are some example email subjects that I could use:

MILESTONE - - 9/6/2024

Then formula fields could do searches to find certain words. So the formula field would see “DEV” and the resulting value would be true. Then the automation would say when that field changes, switch a dropdown field to the Development. That in turn would trigger other automations for development tasks.

This would allow me to easily send in tasks during meetings instead of having to click around in Monday as much. (We have many projects at once so we are constantly jumping between boards on the same call.)

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Andy Luksik is correct. The main functionality that is needed is to cause a trigger when a formula becomes a certain value.

39.0k views and 139 users seems like a lot companies looking for this functionality.

How long will we have to wait and try to find workarounds?


My fear is that this will not be any time soon.
The trouble with formula fields in Monday is that the formulations are calculated on the client-side when you load the page, they are not calculated unless someone is looking at them, so this would be an entire re-write.