Issue when in an integration creating a subitem with column_values

I am trying to have my custom integration to create a subitem with columns. It works in insomnia but not through the integration. I can create subitems with only names, but not with columns. I wonder if there is something in the integration backend that is stripping the slashes or something like that.

mutation m {
  subItem0: create_subitem(parent_item_id: 652599005, item_name: "xx10-V-02 ESTUDIO", column_values: "{\"n_meros\":\"2484\",\"n_meros9\":\"891\"}") {
  subItem1: create_subitem(parent_item_id: 652599005, item_name: "xx07-V-01 COCINA", column_values: "{\"n_meros\":\"2981\",\"n_meros9\":\"1682\"}") {

that is the request I am doing. It works if I run it in insomnia.

This is the error response I’m getting from Monday when I call it from the integration

query mutation bulk_create_sub_items($itemId: Int!) { subItem0: create_subitem(parent_item_id: $itemId, item_name: "10-V-02 ESTUDIO", column_values: "{"n_meros":"2484","n_meros9":"891"}") { id } subItem1: create_subitem(parent_item_id: $itemId, item_name: "07-V-01 COCINA", column_values: "{"n_meros":"2981","n_meros9":"1682"}") { id } }
response {
  errors: [
      message: 'Parse error on ":" (STRING) at [1, 152]',
      locations: [Array]
  account_id: 352108

Hey @turboroof.
Are you sure slashes are not stripped on your side?

probably. I resolved this by adding back the slashes before running the graphql call.
Maybe it’s because I was manipulating the query string before sending it.


Glad you got this figured out @turboroof!

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