Make the pricing & plans rows drag and drop in the developer center

When you copy an existing pricing version like so…

…the sort order may not be correct, and there’s no easy way to fix it.

Instead, you have to create a new plan at the bottom, and copy paste in the correct order from the above plans. Then repeat for all plans until they are in the correct order. This is massively subject to user error.

Yesterday I submitted a request with monthly plan at $200, but yearly at $9. I only caught it today, but it’s not supposed to be that hard.

Making the plans in the list draggable would solve this completely.

Will your solution solve the actual problem though?

If you ask me, developers should not even be bothered with coming up with these different plans, they should be set in stone by monday, and automatically ordered from small to large numbers.

Making the order of pricing plans adjustable would mean the order could be different for each listing, and would mean extra logic that needs to be built. If there was a simple standard for user tiers, it would benefit developers but also customers because it would be easier to compare products.

@jarisanders when you copy an existing pricing, the plans are not necessarily in the order that they currently appear on the pricing screen, so either being able to drag and drop them to the correct place, or them just being in the correct order would help.

As you can only add a new plan at the bottom of the screen, drag and drop would solve the problem of incorrectly ordered plans and also allow you to add a new plan in the middle of existing plans.

I think it’s a good enough solution to a real problem that exists.

Not sure how your reply relates to my message. My point is that the problem you’re pointing out should not have ever existed. It should be solved, but I’m afraid the solution you’re proposing will create different problems down the line :slight_smile:

If seat based pricing would be standardized by monday, developers like you and me would not have to worry about the order of pricing plans, dragging, dropping, etc.

I’m not saying your problem does not exist, I’m asking if it would not make more sense to solve the underlying problem: lack of standardization. Especially, because adding extra logic like drag and drop would set a precedent of the pricing plan order to be customizable.

Hey @jarisanders

There are 2 things I’m hearing here:

  1. Seat based pricing should be different and standardised by mdc
  2. Seat based pricing should always be ordered correctly (small to large)

The first point may be completely true in your opinion, but is a little outside the scope of this feature request. Perhaps you can expand on this in a feature request of your own. :upside_down_face:

I’m really only concerned about point 2 here.

Maybe drag & drop is the wrong answer to the problem, but it’s a suggestion, no more.

An alternative:

If the plans were in the correct order after copying from an existing pricing (unlike now), i.e. ordered by Count ASC, then my ordering problem goes away.

If a new plan is added (at the bottom) and the Count value should naturally be mid way through the pricing, then on preview, and on save, the sort order could be updated to accept the new pricing.

This involves no “UI improvements”, just some sort orders being applied.