Mirrored column automations announced

Any news or update surrounding this function?

Do you have any successful work-around tips?
Which functions are you supplementing until the update launches?

Just 1 day old
not the whole deal but powerful work around!

Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 2.13.51 PM

Mirror column support enhancement!

It’s not the whole package but it’s like 50% of the way there

Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 2.13.51 PM

You can now change the status of a status column when the status of mirrored column changes, huge improvement!

Last step for this automation is
when status of status column changes, change the status of mirrored status column
 :+1:t2: :facepunch:t2: then two way connectivity to automate between boards.


Hey all! Totally agree that having a mirrored status as an action (in the second part of the automation) will be a big next step for us—we’re working on it :muscle:

For now, here’s a complete list of automations that support mirror columns in the trigger:

  • #131 - When status changes from something to something else, notify someone
  • #191 - When status changes to something, stop time tracking
  • #192 - When status changes to something start time tracking
  • #281 - When status changes to something, set due date to current date plus some days
  • #282 - When status changes to something, set due date to current date
  • #285 - When status changes to something, start time tracking. When it changes to something stop
  • #183 - When status changes to something, create an item in board
  • #280 - When status changes to something, change another status to something (Note: mirrored status supported as trigger. Supports mirror columns of subitems)

@TRB-monday.com – Hey Talia!

I have set up a board with quite a few of the “status changes to something, change another status to something” with mirrored columns as the trigger.

In my case, my mirrored column statuses do not change. The mirrored columns are just a database of information. For example, “does this item require a contract?” - the mirrored column is a simple “Yes/No” that does not change.

I figured that Monday would recognize the item’s creation as a “change” of the mirrored column (from nothing, to “Yes” or “No”) – however, my automations are not working.

Is this because Monday does not consider this item creation (aka the mirrored column goes from empty to “Yes” or “No”) as a status change?

Would love for Monday to support the automations based on item creation/status creation (and not just status changes)!

I will also email in to support, thanks for your help!

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Hey Sarah @ssmith! Thanks for posting.

Like you said, item creation is not recognized by the system as a status change per se. A status would have to be manually changed from an existing status to something else or changed via automation.

Are you creating items in the database with a status already set (e.g. via form or via automation)? How are you creating those items? I’d also be curious to know: how do you decide what gets the “Yes” or “No” status? I’m wondering if we can come up with any workarounds here or whether custom automations will help.

I agree that it would be super helpful to be able to support automations based on item creation!

Ahh, makes sense @TRB-monday.com

As for my particular use case, I will give an example that’s very similar to my use case!

Say I’m a caterer, I have one board for all of my catering menu items. This is my database board that does not change. There are lots of nuances to each of my catering items, ex. “Does this dish require warming?” with a status column that says “Yes” or “No”. As well as a million other status columns explaining the nuances of each item on the menu. Ex. “Requires alcohol purchase?” - “Yes” and “No” etc etc etc

Then, I have a board with all of my sales. Each item is a company/person I’m selling to (ex. “Monday.com team event”) and then I have a “link to board” column with what menu item I’m selling.

I have mirrored columns from the menu board on the sales board to easily see the requirements for each catering event.

My goal is to have another column as a status column of whether or not this “mirrored column” is complete. For example, if the mirrored column for “Requires alcohol” says “Yes,” then there would be another status column that the chef would update to “Alcohol purchased” or “Need to ask manager” or whatever (just making this up lol)

My goal is to have the mirrored columns automatically change the status columns accordingly. Example, if the mirrored column for “Requires alcohol?” says “No,” then I want the status column for alcohol to change to “Not required”

However, since these mirrored column statuses are not changing, not sure what automation if any can give me a solution :slight_smile:

Hope this makes sense! Was trying to come up with a similar use example without revealing my entire board!

Hey @ssmith this is super helpful! Apologies if I’m missing it, but how do you initially set the “Requires alcohol” column to “No”? What are the steps you’re taking, in other words, to set the status on menu/database board? I ask because that will impact what automations we can use.

The mirror column should be able to trigger a “When status changes to x, change other status to y” automation, if the column is changed from within the database board (i.e. by clicking on the status label or by automation).

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@TRB-monday.com we set these requires whenever we have a new menu item. We go ahead and add it to the database board with its associated requirements.

Then, when we have a catering event, we selected the menu item from the “link to board” columns.

From there, we want this information to populate & create automations (external emails, etc) based on the menu item selected.

THIS should be a much more prominent answer! I did not know this and it is great. I just spend an hour creating automations with this knowledge.

Any more news on this? I started to start a topic an realized this was already a big one
 I’m lazy so just copy and pasted my original idea

It would be incredible to build automations based on mirrored columns. As an example, let’s say someone changes the status of a project from “planned” to “needs review” in a low level board and that information is mirrored on a high level board that is showing a stage gate process. It would be very nice if that mirrored status on the high level board could automatically be moved into the next stage of the process through the mirrored status column. I hope that makes sense.


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