Monday SDK (set method) not working as expected

It may be that I’m misusing this method, but it seems as though monday.set('settings', params) doesn’t behave as it should. No matter the value I pass in, the settings remain the same. I’d expect it to update one or more settings based on what I pass in as an argument, but that’s not the case.

Would anyone happen to know if this method is broken, or if I’m just not using it correctly?

This is the method I’m referring to and I’ve added some screenshots that will hopefully provide additional clarity.

Hello there @marvel and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

I think the script looks good.

This is a function I just created and is working:

  setSettings = () => {
    monday.set("settings", {"text": "My new value"});

Try promoting the version to live, installing the app and then adding it in a board and trying from there.

Hope that helps!


Same for me. I’m using monday-sdk-js v0.1.4 .
The code is

const res = await monday.set("settings", { "text": "My new value" });

When running live on a board I get nothing. When running on the Developer → view setup → preview there is an error on the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'configuration' of 'o' as it is undefined.
    at t.default (main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2906191)
    at react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2:1351305
    at w (react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2:1349271)
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2586843
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2564140
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2558977
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2576459
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2578919
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2577115
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2588646
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2558026
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2576089
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2557494
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2579553
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2590904
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2589377
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2563365
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:2584812
    at react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2:1346543
    at dispatch (react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2:1353127)
    at main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1:404492
    at react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2:1346534
    at react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2:1351469
    at B.set (components-1341a59a80ddfffa6b1d.js:1:162103)
    at B.receiveMessage (components-1341a59a80ddfffa6b1d.js:1:158401)
    at n (utility_vendor-70e635acb03e241e6769.js:2:62566)
t.default @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2
w @ react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2
dispatch @ react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2
(anonymous) @ main-c21dd58f43cceeb4e056.js:1
(anonymous) @ react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2
(anonymous) @ react_vendor-f29009b3c252566ffb9f.js:2
set @ components-1341a59a80ddfffa6b1d.js:1
B.receiveMessage @ components-1341a59a80ddfffa6b1d.js:1
n @ utility_vendor-70e635acb03e241e6769.js:2

Hello there @kulaone!

Can you please send an email to with a screen recording of the app’s configuration, the app’s version being live, the steps you are taking to get the app running in the board, the result you see, and this code snippet?

Hi @Matias.Monday ,
Thanks for your quick response.
I found my problem, I use a key that is not defend in the app setting.
After adding this key to the app, it’s working on the boards, not on preview.

I think it will be a good idea to return an error or success message for the API call, like we get in storage.instance.setItem.


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