(At Virtenia, we are using monday service Beta to operate our product support. This thread and probably several others contain our feedback so far from testing the beta.)
When configured in the obvious way to send an email notification about new items, the full contents of incoming emails end up in the subject line of the notification. This leads to very long subject lines such as in this example below - In case it’s not clear, this is a screenshot from my email app where the paragraph of large text would typically be just one or two lines of email subject. This behavior is probably just the ordinary automation for notifying board subscribers of new items - unfortunately interacting badly with monday service.
To make the monday service product better as the beta progresses, it would be good to optimize the notification emails that are sent. This would make it feel like a more fulsome standalone product worthy of a separate subscription cost.
The issue you are having is your line item name is too long. You probably need to change the way you receive the intake to make sure this subject line goes into a ‘long text’ column instead of the name
In the example here, which I just re-verified in testing, the incoming message is coming via email. This arrives via the monday service Beta “connection” mechanism, into a long_term field named Details. As far as I can tell, there is no configurability for how incoming emails are handled, nor how they are wired through to become notifications, in the automation “When an item is created, notify Board subscribers”.
(For intakes that happen via a form fill, of course there is full configurability of what fields are presented to the external user, etc.)
Stuff like does seem really frustrating. Clearly the description field should as an update or long text column, and the name truncated to keep it at a reasonable length.
What I could suggest is setup a simple automation that will shorten the item name to something reasonable, and correctly map the fields as you do via forms.
I would use this free integration tool to do this. So you can use this until monday come up with a good solution.
Ok, I understand… yeah… I may send in a service request to Monday to see if they can help give some guidance OR, if they can put in a work ticket with the IT dept. to get that so you can configure it.
I hope the monday team works through the rough edges on monday service - and that it ends up directly competitive with the various other service management tools.