Mutation Create Item : Date Format

Hello. Can anyone help me with this one? I have this creation of item via c#.

da is the date column id
dueDate is “2022-08-16”

string query = "{"query" : "mutation { create_item (board_id: " + boardId + “, group_id: \"” + groupId + “\" , item_name: \"” + name + “\", column_values: {\"” + da + “\": {text: \"” + dueDate + “\"}}) { id } }"}”;

But respond an error which is
{“errors”:[{“message”:“Parse error on "date" (STRING) at [1, 125]”,“locations”:[{“line”:1,“column”:125}]}],“account_id”:7398594}

A date column needs to have a JSON with date, not text


mutation {
  change_multiple_column_values(item_id:11111, board_id:22222, column_values: "{\"date\" : {\"date\" : \"1993-08-27\", \"time\" : \"18:00:00\"}}") {

I tried it. Still got this error.

{“errors”:[{“message”:“Parse error on "date" (STRING) at [1, 80]”,“locations”:[{“line”:1,“column”:80}]}],“account_id”:7398594}

Fid you escape teh date string in the JSON?

Yes I did. Already escaped

Can you share your full query string as build and show it as formatted test. This editor has it’s own mind on escaping :slight_smile: and formatting, so it is better to always enter this kind of data as a preformatted text (using the </> button.

I tried multiple queries but returns error.

query = “{"query" : "mutation { change_column_value(board_id: 3063556967, item_id: 3075649406 , column_values: {\"” + “date” + “\" : {\"” + “date” + “\" : \"” + “2022-08-16” + “\"}}){ id} }"}”;

–{“errors”:[{“message”:“Parse error on "date" (STRING) at [1, 92]”,“locations”:[{“line”:1,“column”:92}]}],“account_id”:7398594}

query = “{"query":"mutation{ change_multiple_column_values (item_id:3075700297, board_id:3063556967, column_values: \"{\\"status_1\\" : {\\"label\\" : \\"Done\\"}}\"){ id} }"}”;

–Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException: ‘The response from was InternalServerError’

Sorry, I can’t analyze these as they are formatted text, please add them between

triple backktick or use the </> button in the format bar

The formatter here deletes escapes characters.

Hi - let me know if you have not solved this. I have done this before and might be able to provide you with assistance if you still need it

Hi! I already solved this. I also created a new topic regarding here. Thank you!