Edit Content Permissions: change Status but doesn't allow add/delete?

Hi, I (as admin) gave permission for a user to change status, but I just found out that he added a new status label without informing me about it.

I don’t want any users to stealth add or delete the status labels while still allowing them to make status change (from “In Progress” to “Completed”, for example).

What kind of permission setting should I set? I set board permission as “Edit Content”, and it still doesn’t work.

Thank you.

Hi @Norawat ,
Is it possible the person who was able to add a new label was a board owner? If so, they would be able to edit the status label options.

Here is more information on the Edit Content permission:
This permission allows non-board owners to add items, delete items, change statuses and cells on the board, move items across the board, and create item updates. They are not able to edit the group or column titles or rearrange the structure of the board by moving groups or columns. If you want to collaborate on a project with an external guest on a shareable board but make sure that a column won’t accidentally be deleted or rearranged, this setting is ideal.

Thank you!

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