Portfolio of projects does not show project updates

I have a portfolio board linked to several project boards. However, when I make any changes to the linked project boards, the changes do not appear in the portfolio board view of the projects. Why is this happening, and how can I fix it? This seems very basic and is a non-starter for my team if we can’t address this issue.


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This may be happening because the portfolio board needs to have members who are also part of the project boards for changes to show up.

Could you make sure everyone on your team is added as a participant in both the portfolio and the individual project boards.


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Hi @Harsh, thanks for your reply. I’m not sure that’s the issue since I was the one to make the change and I’m added to both the portfolio and project. I can add other team members to see what happens

Hi Robert,

Can you share a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Or even a screen recording of a change not rolling up properly? Based on Portfolio functionality, there shouldn’t be anything you have to do to make the roll ups appear. If it’s not rolling up properly, I’d recommend reaching out to support and showing the a screen recording of what’s happening as it may be a bug.

Julia Hanold
Managing Director, OrangeDot