Pulling in Items + Column Data of a Specific Board View

Hi, I have figured out how to pull in all the data on a board using the API, but how can I limit the data that’s being pulled in to a specific view?

Hi @Patrick!

I’m afraid that at this time, there currently is not a way to return items filtered in a board view from a query using our API.

While you’re able to query attributes about your board views, you wouldn’t be able to see which items are filtered out within these board views.

As such, I’m going to pass your request onwards for our team’s consideration and move this to our “Feature Requests” section. Hopefully this capability will be built out.

For now I wonder if it might not be a better idea to query all of the items on your board and then filter them out using the attributes that you specify within your code? You can also use our items_by_column_values() query to retrieve items matching one column value for one column.

This would be a very useful feature. Has anything been done to add this

Hello @richard.ekstrand and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

Are you referring to custom views or board views that are native to monday.com?



Board Views

I’d like to query a board via the API and have the items filtered based on what you’d see on the View that we setup in Monday.com (which has filters set)

I’m pulling the items from a board on Monday.com into PowerBI using the API

Thanks for looking at this



Hello @richard.ekstrand

While there isn’t a specific call to see items based on a Board View, the API gives you the flexibility to make a query that can return the information displayed in your View.

What information are you currently filtering for in your board view?

The view is excluding groups. My understanding is that the API doesn’t allow you to filter groups as part of the query

You can definitely exclude groups from your query! check out the example query below. You can choose to return only your items, for example:

query {
  boards(ids: 12345678) {
    items {