Sample code to create Pulse using Jquery

Help with JQuery function using which I can create a pulse on a specific board.

Additionally if there is a bulk upload option as well, it would be great to have.

Thanks in advance.

Hey there @raghu4oth! Great question

While I don’t have a specific code example you could use for this myself, perhaps someone in the community will be able to share something here :slight_smile: That said, you should be able to find more info on how to build a mutation that would create items on a specific board in the Mutation section of our documentation:

Mutations: creating items

Here is a sample code to create an item on a specific board in a specific group with the item name “new item” (no column values):

mutation {

create_item (board_id: 20178755, group_id: “today”, item_name: “new item”) {

I hope this helps :slight_smile:
