Set column settings on creation via API

Hi there,

I would like to set column settings during its creation (or after via an update). I can’t find any way to do this in the GraphQL API documentation. Do I miss something?

Else, would it be possible to add a mutation parameter ? Something like “settings”:

mutation {
  change_column_metadata (board_id:123456, column_type: dropdown, title: "My Dropdown", settings: "{\"hide_footer\":false,\"labels\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"test\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"123\"}]}") {
    id, settings_str

Thanks in advance for your answers

Hello @clement.devdevils,

As of today, the change_column_metadata method works for changing the title and description of columns only.

You can not hide the column via API.

You can create labels by adding them to an item. If you want, you can leave the labels you just created and if not, you could add them to an item (so that they become options for that column) and then clear the values for that item.

You can check how to do that here for dropdown columns and here for status columns.

Let me know if you have any other questions :slightly_smiling_face:
