Subitem-only cards in Kanban View

Any update on when sub-items will be included on the Kanban view as separate cards?

No, there should be a separate “SubItems Kanban” with cards of their own. The Items they belong to, should be visible on the subitems card - perhaps like a tag, so the team doesn’t lose track of the overall effort the subitem belongs to. But, the Kanban should consist of subitems.

As an example the item we’re working on could be “Website Purchase Flow” experiments within the larger context of Customer UI Enhancements. And the subitems might be efforts on “Checkout Screen,” or “Pricing Cards Overhaul” and another could be “Landing Page Hero Images.” Right now, it’s not super helpful to keep track of “Purchase Flow” in a Kanban by itself with the sub items attached to the Kanban categories, because the component parts can be launched modularly with different dependencies - they’re all in different stages and should be tracked as such.

The progress tracking of the overall item is important. It’s good to know where those larger efforts are, which are paused, ongoing, 75% complete, etc. But on our team, the subitems are more dynamic - it’s where the action is

SUBITEMS KANBAN view options would be great.

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Critical for my org also. Please can the team give an update if this is on the product roadmap or not?

Fully agree. I would like to see individual subitems on a Kanban, rather than just the items. Currently, it makes me not use subitems which is awkward

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I’d like to have kanban with all the subitems by status as it is possible for items BUT to manage the subitems only.

+1. Pretty much unusable if cannot choose subitem for Kanban (how much votes to get this going?)


upvoting this . needs cards for subitem level instead of just item level.

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+1 We have been patiently waiting for this feature to be added. Until it is, the Kanban boards cannot be implemented into our current main worksteam.


We need this too! Kanban cards for subitems – not just subitems shown on parent item card!

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The lack of this feature is a blocker in our org as well. The Kanban board is virtually useless for us without the option to see subitems.


+1 We are also waiting for this feature to be added.

Upvote! I need individual subitems to be cards on a Kanban as well. Thank you!

UPVOTE - 100% agree, I didn’t realize I couldn’t sort by subitem - this is going to be a huge problem with the new board strategy we just spent a bunch of time creating across our company :weary:

Upvote - Kanban and subitems need to be compatible

Upvote! This would be a very handy feature.

Hello Everyone,

Our team at ThoughtFlow is working on an app that allows you to create a kanban view from multiple boards. This also pickups sub items ( as long as they have the same status labels like Todo, In Progress, Done etc).

Here is a short demo of the app

Feel free to sign up here to be notified once its launched . Happy to answer any questions, and hear your suggestions.

+1 We are also waiting for this feature as the lack of it blocks our org in kind. Either we have to revise our approach to boards in a way which makes the board less valuable or we have an entirely useless Kanban board.

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+1 The lack of this feature makes Kanban useless for our board structure. My team keeps actionable tasks with statuses at the sub-task level meaning that there is no status to parse on main-level items and, even if there was, it would not be our preferred approach.

Great that this exists but it’s not what most of us need. We need the subitems to show as individual cards themselves (as well as the main task). Like they do in the calendar view.

At present, the only way I can make use of the Kanban screen is to have the project table full of the subitems and not nest them under the main item.

Hope that makes sense.

Also looking for this feature. I need the ability to see the subitems in a kanban view.

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