SubItems By Multiple Column Values

Am I missing something or didn’t we used to be able to specify the Subitem Board ID when performing queries like listing subitems or subitems by column values or multiple column values?

Ive been trying to query multiple dates using a date column and it errors “500” when using subitem board id and finds nothing when using the main board id since my items do not include the date column. Is there a way to include the columns from subitems?

Hello @dean_m,

Let me know if I understand correctly.

You are using the items_by_column_values to get the data of subitems. Correct?

If that is the case, I just tested it and it is working fine to me. I used this query:

  items_by_column_values(board_id: SUBITEMBOARDID, column_id: "SUBITEMCOLUMNID", column_value: "THEVALUEIAMLOOKINGFOR") {

Can you share the query you are using and the exact error you are getting?


@Matias.Monday I was searching using items_by_column_values

  items_by_multiple_column_values(column_values: ["2023-01-25","2023-01-26"], board_id: 3886193895, column_id: "date8") {
    column_values {

I get the error

“error_message”: “Internal server error”,
“status_code”: 500

Hello again @dean_m,

Thank you for that information.

That is strange. I used the exact same structure and it works:

Are you sure that the board ID you are using is correct?

If you use a wrong board ID, you can get a 500 error.

I’ll just chalk it up to a glitch with my account. I’m no longer using date due and using date range/time range. Will post to another discussion the issue Im having with that to keep them clean.

Let us know if you need anything else here!