Team tasks not listed in My Week when filtering by person

I just noticed that tasks associated with a Team do not appear when you filter by a person in that team. I think it would be better to include team tasks as well if searching for a person in that team so that a task does not get lost.


Hey @rick,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your concerns. I definitely agree and think this would be a good feature to add to the platform. I can not guarantee anything, but I will be sure to pass this along to our product team for review. :slight_smile:


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Thanks @JustinJ. In the meantime, our team has decided to stop using the Team feature for all tasks. Instead, we are manually adding people in that team to the People column.

Same for us.

We have concluded that Teams is not usable with the current filtering restrictions in My Week. Easier to assign individuals one by one to each pulse even though it takes a little longer initially. Pulses don’t get missed by individual team members in My Week then.

Hopefully Teams improves soon. It’s a shame that we cannot use a potentially sophisticated feature because of details like this.

I see Teams as a kind of tagging tool. Individuals in each Team should still be able to see their individual tasks - individual tasks or Team tasks - in My Week regardless of which Team they are a member.

My Week could then look something like:


When Filtering or searching for items assigned to me, only the items with my name attached show up. If I’m a member of a Team, the item(s) do not show up. Now, I can search for a team, but this is a bit frustrating as I am a member of several teams, and performing multiple searches is not the best way and is prone to errors.

Am I missing something?

Unfortunately not. You have to search by Team if you want to see your tasks as a member of a team. It’s frustrating and inefficient.

It’s been raised before but there have been no feature enhancements on this issue yet.

We’ve stopped using Teams for now for fear of missing pulses/items. Hopefully Teams improves soon. It’s potentially powerful but this is a showstopper for us.

We’ve also gone away from Teams for assigning pulses @DougW. We use the multi-person column and just add the individuals, our teams are under 10, so not too difficult. However, we do use Teams for ease of communication instead of tagging everyone separately.

Any news on this? I initially set up teams but if I got to my week and assigned to a task by team It doesn’t pop up but if I follow my team then I get way too many tasks that aren’t even mine. It’s so weird…am I missing something? :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Unfortunately not @Adrian. There has been no further development on the Teams feature. It’s still an incomplete feature.

Noted. Thank you @JohnW

Yes! I am having the same issue with My Work and it seems baffling to me that this is still not a feature. I think it would be straightforward enough, that if you are a member of a specific team, and that team is assigned to a task/item, it would show up for you in My Work. Instead when I filter for my team tasks in My Work, it shows me everyone’s individual tasks. @Gabriela.Monday was kind enough to create a potential work around for this, but that would mean every person on the team would need to individually go in and do this for items to not get missed, and that seems very tedious, and not something all of them would be able to do.

It seems I will have to stop using the teams feature as well, and go back to assigning tasks to individual people - what a shame, and waste of what would otherwise have been a fantastic feature…

I really hope this item gets more upvotes and gets on the roadmap for upcoming features soon!