Tunnel Connection failed


I am trying to setup a tunnel connection, but it’s failing for all mp apps, it was working till yesterday. I am getting the following error:-

:heavy_multiplication_x: Fetching tunnel connection auth token [FAILED: Unexpected error occurred while communicating with the remote server]

What should be done here?

Hello there @ArkiTech,

Would you be able to please fill this form so our team can take a look into this? Please add as much detail about your case as possible. Please add your account ID and app ID!

Looking forward to hearing from you via the form!


I’m also facing the same issue when I’m running this cmd - npx @mondaydotcomorg/monday-cli@latest scaffold run ./ quickstart-react -t board-view-1014****

:heavy_multiplication_x: Fetching tunnel connection auth token [FAILED: Unexpected error occurred while communicating with the remote server]

please provide solution

I’m also facing same issue when I run this cmd - npx @mondaydotcomorg/monday-cli@latest scaffold run ./ quickstart-react -t board-view-1014****

:heavy_multiplication_x: Fetching tunnel connection auth token [FAILED: Unexpected error occurred while communicating with the remote server]

Please provide solution

I just ran into this. Chances are it’s conflicting with another node server instance. On mac just did

killall node

and everything ran fine