What's the best way to emulate the Monday SDK for local testing?

I am trying to build a new view for a specific board on my account.
Things would go much faster if I was able to mock the Monday API on my local node project where I’m developing it.
Currently I have to build the local deployment, upload it and then test it.
Am I missing something?

Hi @amit.lzkpa,

You can use ngrok and the ‘custom url’ value to test your application.

You can see instructions on this in the Set up Your Development Environment section in this article https://monday.com/developers/apps/quickstart-view

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To add on to this – the SDK itself is just a Javascript module. You can download it from the CDN and store it on your local machine if you want to minimize downloads from external locations.

I’m not sure how relevant it is here, but I wanted to flag this since other clients have wondered about this.

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