When an item is moved from one board to another and we have a recipe sentence for that, how do you capture the old board id?

I have an item that is moved from one board to another.

How do you capture the board id of the original board?

In the workflow block, you can get the new board id from the context and item id from trigger output, but I can’t find a way to get the id of the original board.

The POST body currently looks something like this:

	"payload": {
		"blockKind": "action",
		"inboundFieldValues": {
			"boardId": 2662470531,
			"itemId": 2687058843
		"inputFields": {
			"boardId": 2662470531,
			"itemId": 2687058843
		"recipeId": ...,
		"integrationId": ...
	"runtimeMetadata": {
		"actionUuid": "...",
		"triggerUuid": "..."

We’re moving the item between board ids:

1642425449 -> 2662470531

How do I get hold of 1642425449 in the POST body?

Hello there @dvdsmpsn,

You can not get that from the request when using the native “When item is moved to a board” trigger.

As a workaround, what I can think about is checking the last updated boards (the one the item belonged to should be there):

  boards(limit:100, order_by:used_at){

And then check the activity logs using those board IDs and the ID of the item, to see in which board you see the “move_pulse_from_board” event:

  boards(ids: [1743196779, 1596123062, 1832418637, 3428809499, ...]) {
    activity_logs(item_ids: 2440689797) {

Not super comfortable, but should work.

What do you think?

Wow, @Matias.Monday that feels both insane and pretty cool actually. Thank you.

@Matias.Monday It’s actually easier than that.

Use this query

  query get_activity_logs (
    $boardId: ID!, 
    $itemId: ID!
  ) {
      boards(ids: [$boardId]) {
          item_ids: [$itemId]
        ) {

Pass in variables (boardId is in the context, itemId comes from the trigger output):

  "boardId": newBoardId, 
  "itemId": itemId 

In the results, look for the first event named move_pulse_into_board, parse the JSON data string returned and look for source_board in the JSON.


That is a great workaround @dvdsmpsn !!!

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Thanks you saved my life haha

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