Where to put app settings and how to authenticate on settings page?

I’m building an integration and have the need for a settings page for the integration. Where do you recommend that settings page is added?

I noticed there’s an Account Settings View that can be added to an app. I was trying to add a settings page there using a custom URL from my server, but am having issues with authentication. I noticed that JWT is not used for that page, but instead a session token is passed to the page. Trying to use the Monday SDK and setting this token with monday.setToken(sessionToken) leads to a “Not Authenticated” response once I try and make an API call with monday.api(MY_QUERY).

If you recommend I use the Account Settings View for an apps settings, how should I authenticate with my server so I only show the settings relevant to that user?

Another option I’ve seen is using a Board View, but then the page is tied to a board, which doesn’t seem to make sense from an app settings perspective, since the integration isn’t board-specific.

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hi @oalbrecht

I would normally say: use a boardview.

But that is until I discovered this Account Settings View. Does anybody know what that is? Where will the user / admin add this view. From the name I guess it is outside the board, somewhere in the admin area?

For me this is a complete new view and I can’t find any information on it.


That’s a news for me too. It would be really useful to check General Caster usage.
Is there any documentation about it somewhere?

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Hello there everyone,

We are working on the documentation on the new Account Settings View, which will be available very soon!

Sorry for the delay on it!



hi @Matias.Monday

The setup looks very straight forward to me :). The only thing I was wondering is where does the view appear in the UI? Can you shine a light on that or is it too early?

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Hello @basdebruin!

Yes! The user has to click on their profile picture (or initials), then on the admin section, then on the apps section and then on the three dots next to the app. In there, there is an option that says “Settings”. That is where this view will be shown.


@Matias.Monday Any ETA?

@Matias.Monday Do you know if there will be a way to authenticate users (e.g. JWT) on the settings page?

Also, it seems like this settings page is currently pretty hidden from users. It took me a good amount of searching to find it. Not sure if it’s on the roadmap, but it would be great if it were more obvious to users where to find their settings.


+1 on this.
@Matias.Monday While waiting for the documentation, can you tell us how to use the sessionToken?

I was able to figure out how to authenticate on the settings page. It works the same way as it does for board views and uses seamless authentication (more info here: Choosing an authentication method).

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Thank you, @oalbrecht
Anyone knows if there’s a way to use the sessionToken without the Monday SDK?

Here is the current documentation! @rob @basdebruin @oalbrecht

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Hello @rob!

If you want to get a token to be able to use monday’s API to get information from the account/user, you will need to use the SDK. There is no token in the payload.

You could also use OAuth but at this screen it is not recommended at this screen.


We have moved the documentation, so here is the updated link :slight_smile:


@oalbrecht @basdebruin Did you find a way to seamlessly authenticate to the API in the app settings view?
As far as I can see the sessionToken passed in GET to the page contains only basic information:

    "client_id": "abc",
    "user_id": 123,
    "account_id": 456,
    "slug": "omnidea-dev",
    "app_id": 789,
    "app_version_id": 987,
    "install_id": -2,
    "is_admin": true,
    "is_view_only": false,
    "is_guest": false,
    "user_kind": "admin"

The only solutions suggested by monday is to perform a OAuth2 process, which requires the user to accept the permissions request. Not so handy.

@rob I used the following code to get the session token:

let monday = window.mondaySdk();
monday.get("sessionToken").then(res => {
     console.log('Your token:', res.data);

I verified this JWT using the monday.com client secret on my server. I just needed the account id for my use case, which it contained, so that was sufficient.

Thank you, @oalbrecht, but the sessionToken passed via GET to the app settings view cannot be used to authenticate unfortunately.


Would you be able to document the contents/structure of the JWT payload from the SDK? it seems the payload is undocumented. Just trying to make it easier for anyone needing to look it up.

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Meantime, drop the JWT token into https://jwt.io to inspect the payload :wink:

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Well yes, my point was it’s not in the documentation that I can find.