How to create and capture project briefs

My team use project briefs, which have about 6 elements to answer. Each answer various from a paragraph to a page long
Where would you recommend capturing this in Monday?
Our set-up means every project has it’s own board, we also have a high level board that tracks every project (generic info only)
Ideally I want somewhere on the project-level board to write the brief but don’t know where is best
What would people suggest?

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Hi @mdurant
You can create a form based on the columns in a board. (this can be found in the different board views) -
If the 6 elements are quite long, you may want to use the 'Long Text" column on the board, allowing a larger text field in the form view.
This board can act as your ‘project intake’ and then use this board for project approvals (move item to your high-level, or create an item in the high-level board, and also to create new project boards (from a template) once the project has been approved. (automation to create new board when status changes)

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