Parse error on change_multiple_column_values mutation with Postman

Hey @paulmiller3000,

I’d love to try and have a go at this one :slight_smile: I’ve just used the following query and it seems to have worked for me:

And on the board:

Here is the query itself:

{"query": "mutation { change_multiple_column_values ( board_id: 1232810882, item_id:1267356806, column_values: \"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"this is some text\\\",\\\"text_1\\\":\\\"this is some other text\\\"}\") { id column_values (ids: [\"text\",\"text_1\"]) { text }}}"}

Please note that you should send your Postman mutations as a single string, if you are using JSON! I think that might have been part of the issue you were having.

I hope this helps!
