Ability to Search contents of Item Description in Board Search

When using Monday as a software developmet platform it is critical to be able to search for tickets (we have upwards of 2000) not just by the limited length ticket title but in the actual ticket descrpition itself.


If we wanted to see all tickets that refer to ‘blocks’ or ‘Acme Inc’ a search would bring up this ticket.

The best UX would be an in-board search (NOT Search Everything) since our boards are very distinct from each other.

We SHOULD be able to also search other related content such as Updates(and replies)/Files/etc but the item description is critical.

If you MUST implement this in the ‘Search Everything’ please at least give that interface the ability to pre-filter what board(s) to search - this will actually lighten the load on your servers by narrowing search scope substantially. We have so many boards that Search Everything regularlytimes out.

Thank you for considering this.