About the Hire an Expert category

We are a company that does a lot of projects in the marine Electricals and Electronics. We offer direct sales from our warehouse as well as engineering, consultancy, project management, repair, maintenance, installation, and design of various modules from power to lights to systems monitoring to electric and hybrid drives, communications systems, Air Conditioning, water making etc.
We need to control what we do, allocate resources in terms of manpower and track our business which is very detail oriented. We feel that Monday.com is the platform to help us achieve a high degree of efficiency, communications between our people and clients, and make sure that projects run smoothly and effectively. We are looking for a consultant to help us set up best practices for our unique company.
I can be reached at gerhard.kutt@obmghk.com to set up a zoom meeting to discuss options. Thanks!


We are looking for a developer to help build apps for our real estate focused company.

The data on our CRM will need to be fed to a mobile application / web application, and we would also like to utilize Artificial Intelligence Apis.



Hi @Dchau2401 :wave:

Welcome to the monday.com community!

upstream can help. You’ll be able to work with our full stack development team who specialise in custom integration requirements. We’re also Platinum Partners, Preferred Partners and APAC Partner of the Year for 2020 so a very experienced pair of hands.

I have several questions that spring to mind around your endeavors and would be interested to learn more from you. Please feel free to reach me directly via peta@upstreamtech.io or you can book a call straight into my calendar using the below link. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have as well as advise around what you can expect from partnering with upstream.

Chat with Peta

Thanks and kind regards,
Peta - Account Executive for upstream

Thanks I just booked a call for tomorrow,

Hi Cristy,

I’m having an issue with needing to cast a formula into an email. Is this something you’d be able to help with? I’ve tried work arounds like general caster and Zapier with no success but I am new to both of them. I would love to fins someone who could be a go to consultant for these kinds of challenges if you’re available on a case by case basis?

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Hi @Janice_Graydon - If it helps, text columns can also be used by automations/integrations if formed into a proper email address. Its much easier to cast to a text column than email. If you need further assistance with General Caster or other apps, feel free to reach out any time.


:wave: hi Janice!

Thanks so much for reaching out! It looks like Mark gave a great option & potential solution to your request. I’m curious, if that helped resolved your issue?

In addition, if you’d like to chat more about services and how we can partner, I’d be happy to jump on a call and see how I can assist you :blush:

Here’s a link to my Calendly Schedule

Look forward to hearing back from you!

Hi, is there anyone who can help me customize the app for a Training/ Academy ?

Thank you

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Hi @amesure :wave:

Welcome to the monday.com community!

It’s likely that upstream can help. We’re Platinum Partners, Preferred Partners and Partner of the Year for APAC region in 2020. We also have a full stack development team in house who specialise in custom integration requirements.

Please feel free to reach me directly via peta@upstreamtech.io or you can book straight into my calendar for an obligation free meeting to discuss your requirements in greater detail and see how we can help you.

Chat with Peta

Thanks and kind regards,
Peta - Account Executive at upstream

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Hello, I just signed up and I need some help setting up my account. Let me know how I can contact you. Thank you!


Hi @klebish !

You can contact us (and even get a FREE consultation with us) by booking a meeting with us here!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you!

Hi there @klebish Kim - Welcome to the community! You can use the link below to schedule a time to chat with one of our monday․com ‍experts. I’d love to meet you and see how we can help.

~ Deb Cinkus, PMP
Certified monday․com Partner
CEO & Principal Consultant, Polished Geek

Book a Consultation with a monday․com expert: Book a call with Polished Geek: Do more with monday․com

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Hey there @klebish and welcome to the monday.com community! There are a lot of great partners here and I am sure you will find someone great to work with. If you want to add an additional partner to the discovery queue, please also consider the team at CarbonWeb.

If you’d like to schedule an initial consult with me please do so here: Consultation - Ricky

Good luck!

Best regards,

Ricky Tomer

VP of Sales
Carbon Web Print, LLC
Schedule Consultation | Website
Phone: 440-462-7743 | Email : ricky@carbonweb.co

Hi @klebish :wave:

upstream can help. We are Platinum Partners, monday.com Preferred Partners and APAC Partner of the Year for 2020. Based in Australia, we have a global staff network encompassing dedicated teams.

You’ll have access to our Solutions Engineers as well as our full stack Development Team who specialize in integrations and custom requirements.

Please feel free to return by email directly via peta@upstreamtech.io alternatively you can book straight into my calendar for a meeting using the below link. I would be very interested to meet with you and better understand your use case.

Meet with Peta

Kind regards,
Peta - upstream

My name is Connie and I am an Independent Health Coach with Optavia. I am needing some help building a workflow etc. I know what I want and what I need, but am having trouble figuring out how to make it happen! lol. Could you possibly help or point me in a direction? Thank you

1 Like

Hi Christy!

My team, Lucid Day, and I have worked with several clients in the health field. Together we work with our clients to build the best system in monday while also working organically with your workflows.

If you are interested in hiring a monday.com partner, please feel free to schedule a FREE consultation with us here! Or even visit our website at www.lucidday.com to learn more about our services!

Hey @connie.psg.6 and welcome to the monday.com community forums!

There’s a lot of great partners out there and I am happy to introduce you to CarbonWeb. Our team works on a component-by-component basis to ensure the platform has creativity and flexibility throughout development. If you would like to connect with me and discuss please schedule some time here: Consultation - Ricky

Good luck as you develop your workflows!

Best regards,

Ricky Tomer

VP of Sales
Carbon Web Print, LLC
Schedule Consultation | Website
Phone: 440-462-7743 | Email : ricky@carbonweb.co

:wave: Hi Connie!
I’m looking forward to connecting with you tomorrow at 3:30pm EST to discuss your workflows & get a clearer image of what you are looking for within your account!

Me too! I hope you can help me. I’m busy creating a mindmap to show you what I am needing.

Perfect! Mind maps are fantastic to get ideas into ‘paper’.
I’ll call you at the number provided tomorrow. Excited to learn more about your workflow.

Thank you!