Hi All!
I am having issues getting the Cursor to work in my API call in PowerQuery/PowerBI.
I haven’t currently found a way to run it all in 1 function or query yet, so I’m attempting to break it down into 2 functions first (1 for the first page, then 1 for all of the following pages needing the Cursor). I wanted to get these both working before I attempted to finalize a query to bring all of the results together.
This First Page query works perfectly fine.
(Response as text) =>
Key = #“AuthKey”,
Board = BoardNbr_SalesPipeline,
Version = #“UseApiVersion”,
Source = Web.Contents(
#“Authorization”=“Bearer " & Key
Content=Text.ToBinary(”{““query””: ““query itemsPageOnBoard{ boards(ids: " & Board & “) { items_page (limit: 100) { cursor, items { name, updated_at, group { title }, columns: column_values { column { title }, text } } } } }””}”)
Data = Json.Document(Source)[data][boards]{0}[items_page][items],
GetCursor = Json.Document(Source)[data][boards]{0}[items_page][cursor],
WhatToReturn = Response,
Return = if WhatToReturn = "Cursor" then GetCursor else if WhatToReturn = "Results" then Data else "Must Return Cursor or Results"
Then this second query, which is identical, besides adding the variables for Cursor/NewCursor and working the NewCursor into the API call where the Page limit is, just like Monday’s documentation suggests it must. Once this is working, I would be deleting Lines 3, 4, and 19, and uncommenting Line 1 to be a working Function. I confirmed this works when removing the Cursor pieces. I have tried playing around with many iterations of treating or converting that Cursor as Text, in case it was attempting to present it in the API call as Text because of using the Variable.
I have also tried with items_page like this, and with next_items_page. It keeps returning a Code 500. I am inserting the exact Cursor I get back from the first function.
//(Response as text, NewCursor as text) =>
Cursor = “MSwxMjI1NzY1MjczLDZGYXNacEFXRW1Zb3lHMDVHVWU1RCwyMzg5LDEwMCx8MjkzNDk0Mjk3”,
Response = “Cursor”,
Key = #“AuthKey”,
Board = BoardNbr_SalesPipeline,
Version = #“UseApiVersion”,
NewCursor = Cursor,
Source = Web.Contents(
#“Authorization”=“Bearer " & Key
Content=Text.ToBinary(”{““query””: ““query itemsPageOnBoard{ boards(ids: " & Text.From(Board) & “) { items_page (limit: 100, cursor:” & NewCursor & “) { cursor, items { name, updated_at, group { title }, columns: column_values { column { title }, text } } } } }””}”)
// Content=Text.ToBinary(“{”“query”": ““query itemsPageOnBoard{ boards(ids: " & Text.From(Board) & “) { items_page (limit: 100) { cursor, items { name, updated_at, group { title }, columns: column_values { column { title }, text } } } } }””}”)
Data = Json.Document(Source)[data][boards]{0}[items_page][items],
GetCursor = Json.Document(Source)[data][boards]{0}[items_page][cursor],
WhatToReturn = Response,
Return = if WhatToReturn = "Cursor" then GetCursor else if WhatToReturn = "Results" then Data else "Must Return Cursor or Results"