Counting the items from a group in PHP

Thanks for that, first query works but can I ask you whats the max limit we can use for that query?

also when using query_params in item_page, the limit is decreased to 500? is that right?
here is the query I have which gives error that limit can be max 500.

  let query =
        "query { boards(ids:" +
        this.boardID +
        "){ items_page(limit:50000, query_params: {ids: [" +
        itemIdsArray +
        "]}) {  items {id name group {  title id color}} } }}";

Basically I need to get only those items which are in that that idsArray, is there any better way?

I can filter them after getting them but I want to know if there is a better way?


I did try that first solution and it did not give me any error when I used 50,000 limit, but once I got the items back, it is still caping it to 500 items only!
So that solution does not really work! is there any other better way?

I don’t think second solution is really feasible, it will hit the complexity budget if I get all 50,000 items in a loop(get 500, use cursor to get next) on board to count them

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